
Learning and applying model-based systems engineering methods is challenging. With our motego plugin we strive to make the first model-based systems engineering experience as well as entire change processes as easy as possible.

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The motego plugin offers users a guided experience and application of our method. Its core element is a graphical modeling language with which all development artifacts can be expressed and connected in a system model. Furthermore, the plugin contains diagrams, guidelines and much more to support users in learning and applying motego method.

Whats is inside motegoPlugin?


Central element of the plugin is a motego specific graphical modelling language which enables the representation of mechatronic systems in a model-based development environment.


Application of the language is supported by diagrams with diagrams specially developed for motego. The diagrams represent different views which support users in modeling and capturing the represented mechatronic system.

Modeling Guidelines.

To further enhance the motego experience, the plugin includes modeling guidelines. These are support users in learning motego and modelling with it.